Voice of a Grandparent: Debra

Voice of a Grandparent: Debra

Hello, I’m Debra. When my first grandchild was born, I was swept away with bucketloads of love, very similar to that which overwhelmed me when my children were born. I saw him every week so that I missed nothing of his growing up and was able to build a relationship with this new family member. I’m absolutely sure that his parents found this behaviour strange, but they welcomed us on each visit across London!

I had this feeling again when each of my grandchildren was born; it never diminished. I wanted to connect with each one of them and see them develop. Being a parent is wonderful and being a grandparent is incredibly joyous. I have four grandchildren, soon to be five. The two eldest, 14 and 11, are boys and the two youngest, 4 and 3, are girls. The very youngest is a single child until her brother arrives. With each of them I have been enchanted as I have watched their first steps, seen them turning the pages of books or playing with a piano keyboard, joined them in singing, talking, creating, laughing. I have loved taking their hands and have walked proudly alongside each of them as their grandma.

I take seriously my role to love, spoil, support, entertain, nurture and care for them and I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. Each of them has brought me so much fun, laughter and wonder. I think they are all amazing individuals, all of them kind and thoughtful with a great sense of humour! I watch the two eldest looking after their sister and am amazed by how gentle and patient they are.

I am immensely proud of the incredible parents my two children have become and I am most privileged to be a welcomed grandma of four beautiful grandchildren. It’s a great role to have!


Published in issue 88. Accurate at the time this issue went to print. Photo not of author. 

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