
Babywearing brides: introducing a new wedding t...
When Dalton Mort got married in February last year, she chose to carry her daughter with her down the aisle, snug in a colourful sling. The wedding photos attracted widespread adoration, as a little girl, held close against her mother’s back, picked a flower from her mum’s hair and passed it to her dad at the altar. Dalton never anticipated causing such a stir, but since then, the desire to carry your little one with you on your wedding day has really taken off. “Deciding to wear my daughter just made sense to me. Our wedding mass was during nap time. I thought it might keep her calm on an already overwhelming day for her. I knew she would want to be near me. All of that, plus my husband and I wanting her to be involved somehow in the ceremony, it just was the best thing for everyone” (Dalton...
Babywearing brides: introducing a new wedding trend
When Dalton Mort got married in February last year, she chose to carry her daughter with her down the aisle, snug in a colourful sling. The wedding photos attracted widespread...

Babywearing and how it can help overcome postna...
My daughter was born via emergency caesarean – not at all the way that I had expected the birth to go. Due to the lack of support (and not being aware that support even existed!), my breastfeeding journey also fell flat on its face within days. I felt like I had already failed as a mother, and by extension, a woman. My body couldn’t birth my baby, or nourish her. And with no support around me to help me to work through these toxic feelings I quickly spiralled into postnatal depression. Some time later I began to make an effort to get out of the house, but it was difficult to make my way down the apartment stairs with the baby, bags and pram while being mindful of my healing caesarean scar.Then it occurred to me to look to my own culture and ancestry, where my family historically used wraps...
Babywearing and how it can help overcome postnatal depression
My daughter was born via emergency caesarean – not at all the way that I had expected the birth to go. Due to the lack of support (and not being...

Babywearing dads: here are the benefits of carr...
As concepts of masculinity shift and change, some men are wondering how they will fit into the role of ‘father’. The parenting role men have traditionally taken can look very different from the modern man’s outlook on fatherhood. As fathers-to-be and fathers-to-be-again, looking for ways to support their partners and bond with new arrivals, many are finding baby carriers an indispensable tool for everyday family life. Oscha Slings have long held a reputation for quality slings made ethically and sustainably in Scotland. Their mission is to create products that provide a comfortable and adjustable carry for every parent. This starts with hand-drawn designs to suit every style and taste, and ends with responsibly sourced and organic yarns being woven and stitched into a range of unique baby carriers. Creating carriers that are comfortable for both women and men is simple for Oscha. With infinitely adjustable wraps giving a tailored fit...
Babywearing dads: here are the benefits of carrying your children
As concepts of masculinity shift and change, some men are wondering how they will fit into the role of ‘father’. The parenting role men have traditionally taken can look very...

The benefits of babywearing for postnatal depre...
I remember being handed a huge pile of booklets and other information when I was pregnant with my daughter – about nappies, about breastfeeding, about reducing the risk of SIDS… Somewhere, tucked away in the booklet provided by the NHS, was a single page about Antenatal and Postnatal Depression (AND/PND). I skipped past it, never thinking for a moment that it could apply to me. I was in a happy relationship, we were about to move into our own house, and I had no history of mental illness. But after my daughter was born, nothing seemed to work. Everything I knew from my extensive reading was at odds with what my baby seemed to need. Routine was impossible: she wouldn’t take a dummy or lie on her back in the crib, meaning that she was constantly latched to my breast or asleep across me. I remember desperately calling my own...
The benefits of babywearing for postnatal depression
I remember being handed a huge pile of booklets and other information when I was pregnant with my daughter – about nappies, about breastfeeding, about reducing the risk of SIDS…...

One mum shares why she loves babywearing
I used to see babywearing simply as a practical choice, for convenience above all else. My first child, my son, spent the first year of his life in Kathmandu, Nepal. I had been living there for four years when he was born. Across Nepal, parents carry their children on their backs wrapped in a sari or shawl, largely to allow them to continue with their daily chores whilst tending to their child. Raising my son in a babywearing culture, I opted for a Lovey Duds stretchy wrap and carried him on my front. Many of the local people I passed while wearing him would comment, “Look how much that woman loves her baby, she’s carrying him on her front!” They weren’t wrong. While babywearing had started out as my only feasible option, it became an integral part of my journey through motherhood. I wore both my children. From day one...
One mum shares why she loves babywearing
I used to see babywearing simply as a practical choice, for convenience above all else. My first child, my son, spent the first year of his life in Kathmandu, Nepal....