Family Time

Simple projects to try with children in an urba...
The lady at Eden farms that supplied our vegetable box told me she felt so passionately that children should experience growing their own food that she would put some organic seed potatoes in our box, despite the fact that growing our own meant we would no longer need to buy her produce. Unfortunately for the business her enthusiasm rubbed off, and now I too am feeling evangelical about giving children opportunities to grow something they can eat. Here are a couple of the projects that even quite little children can get started at this time of year. March and April are perfect months to plant salad leaves; we keep a container growing by the back door and by May my daughter will be plucking a few tasty leaves for her sandwiches each morning. Before I grew it myself I had no idea that rocket has such a hot, peppery taste,...
Simple projects to try with children in an urban garden
The lady at Eden farms that supplied our vegetable box told me she felt so passionately that children should experience growing their own food that she would put some organic...